As a consequence of some requests from our clients in various parts of the world we have developed a variant of our product that is very efficient in pig farms. We have named it PETRONET AGROPIG.

As a consequence of some requests from our clients in various parts of the world we have developed a variant of our product that is very efficient in pig farms. We have named it PETRONET AGROPIG.

This product is not strictly used for the reduction or treatment of slurry; the main objective is to reduce the content of ammonia and other toxic gases from the fattening environment produced by pig excretions; In this way, respiratory diseases in pigs decrease and the fattening speed and weight of pigs increases significantly.

It is known that pig producers are very little sensitive to the problem of odors and / or the contamination of the waters and the territory by slurry, but we must propose as a secondary objective, the reduction of odors (which they do not care about). in general) and, if possible, from the reduction of nitrogen in different forms (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates ...) from the slurry so that they can be used as fertilizer for field crops.

PETRONET AGROPIG is very efficient in reducing odors, acting directly on hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, but for this we must take into account that it is a product that works well in aerobic environment, so its efficiency depends on the capacity breeders for:

Not to accumulate manure in the anoxic environment below in the subsoil of the farms, that is, constantly transport the manure to tanks with ease of aeration.

Possess the facility for the separation of solids and liquids in the final phase of the slurry; that is, when the ammonia will have been transformed into various nitrates in solid form, separate the solid fraction from the liquid one, which, absent ammonium and hydrogen sulfide, can be used as a good marinade for crops.

What seems important is that, however, only the first objective - that of using PETRONET AGROPIG to increase the growth rate of pigs, is already more than enough to justify their commercial development.

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